Find us in our new location: Now co-locating in the Murgon Visitor Information Centre, 63 lamb St., Murgon.
Murgon's Chamber of Commerce was originally founded on September 8, 1917. In later years with incorporation came the name change to Murgon Business & Development Assoc. Inc. (MBDA). The MBDA publishes the monthly Murgon Moments community newspaper and has been running the annual Murgon Christmas Fair for many years. Following a few consecutive years of this event being washed out by summer storms, it has now been changed to a new time of year...Easter time and has now been renamed the South Burnett Murgon Easter SpEGGtacular with all the same popular 'fun of the fair' carnival rides, food stalls and entertainment. MBDA also sponsors the Murgon Qld and Murgon Business & Development Assoc. Inc. Facebook pages and this website which shares information about events, attractions and services for Murgon, showcasing our town and district in a positive light as an important part of the beautiful South Burnett region of south-east Queensland.
Our Association has an ever increasing number of loyal and passionate members from local businesses and community groups who come together once a month to support each other and work on fostering growth and improvements for our community. We invite any new or existing businesses from right throughout our region who service our community to consider becoming a member and joining our network today. Our membership fee provides excellent value and will benefit you and your business, offering you support by building connections and gaining access to resources and information.
Our Association has an ever increasing number of loyal and passionate members from local businesses and community groups who come together once a month to support each other and work on fostering growth and improvements for our community. We invite any new or existing businesses from right throughout our region who service our community to consider becoming a member and joining our network today. Our membership fee provides excellent value and will benefit you and your business, offering you support by building connections and gaining access to resources and information.
The objectives of the Murgon Business & Development Assoc. Inc is
i) to promote the greater developments of Trade, Commerce and Industry in every phase, including the facilities, in Murgon and District.
ii) For the purpose of carrying out the objects, the Association will, among other things, engage in the following activities:-
2) Compliment and assist in the work of other organisations interested in the further development of Murgon
and district;
3) Foster generally a development conscious attitude in the community.
i) to promote the greater developments of Trade, Commerce and Industry in every phase, including the facilities, in Murgon and District.
ii) For the purpose of carrying out the objects, the Association will, among other things, engage in the following activities:-
- Carry out investigation for the purpose of encouraging development in Murgon and District
- Co-operate and liaise with other similar organisations operating within a contiguous geographical area; and
- Implement a Public Relations Program which will:-
2) Compliment and assist in the work of other organisations interested in the further development of Murgon
and district;
3) Foster generally a development conscious attitude in the community.
- MBDA Members (approx. 100 members) are listed on the Business Directory on the Murgon website with a link to their own website, FB page or other available information.
- MBDA Members are given the opportunity to partake in the Why Leave Town Murgon Gift Card program (only available to full members).
- Periodical Promotions of your business on Social Media (Facebook - Murgon QLD) shared from your own Facebook Page when found or when we are notified. Members are welcome to message our page or email their notices through to us. (Our Facebook page now has a following of approx. 5300).
- When businesses are looking to hire new employees, we can send out a notice to our members and share to our Facebook pages. Please notify us by email or a Facebook message if you have a vacancy.
- Members are given priority to attend any MBDA workshops or events.
- Members are often offered special advertising discounts with local media from time to time.
- General Meetings are held 6pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. One month it is a regular formal meeting; the next month will be a less formal gathering/information session to be held in various locations at a member's business place. Follow our Facebook Page for Meeting Notices.
- Members receive email updates on information that may be helpful to their business as well as local events or sales etc.
- Meeting Minutes and Meeting Notices are emailed out to members only.
- Ordinary Members only are entitled to vote at a Meeting giving you a say in business or community matters in your town.
- Associate Membership is offered as an option to community Individuals and Not for Profit organisations that are run by volunteers. All membership Applications have to be passed and accepted by the MBDA Management Committee. Please note Associate Members are not permitted to vote at meetings of the Association or hold office of the Association but will still receive Meeting Minutes, email notices etc. and are still welcome to express a viewpoint.
- Membership is a great way to network and exchange information with other local business operators.
- As a Community group we also have more power to lobby the different Government bodies on local issues.
- Contributing towards keeping our MBDA Community alive and active...supporting our Annual Easter or Christmas Fair, local events and monthly magazine Murgon Moments and contributing towards the ongoing costs of maintaining the CCTV security systems installed in Murgon.
- Your membership fee enables the MBDA to purchase the Why Leave Town Murgon Gift Cards and associated fees so that our local businesses can be part of this Shop Local program. For more information on the WLT program visit:
- Membership Fees are tax deductible.
2022-2023 Executive Committee:
2022-2023 Management Committee Members:

Meetings are held monthly - usually in the 2nd week of the month. Please check our Facebook page for meeting notices as at the moment we are trialling a variety of times and venues. Some are evening meetings, some are breakfast meetings and every 2nd month we have a 'Meet and Greet' type gathering at a member's venue. Meetings include the option of ordering a meal. We usually have a representative from the South Burnett Regional Council in attendance. Notifications for special guest speakers or topics for discussion must be given to the Secretary before the meeting to be added to the Agenda. Our meetings have been getting a great roll-up of regular attendees over the past few years with lots of new faces. Those wanting to express a viewpoint on community or business matters are given the chance to speak and to be listened to. Open discussion is encouraged and decisions are made by the group as a whole.
*Meeting notices are posted to our Murgon Business & Development Facebook page. You can also contact us at [email protected] if you would like to attend or to check on dates for the meeting.
*Meeting notices are posted to our Murgon Business & Development Facebook page. You can also contact us at [email protected] if you would like to attend or to check on dates for the meeting.
![]() Email: [email protected]